Everyone wants a perfect, beautiful smile, but not everyone has been blessed with perfect teeth.

Everyone wants a perfect, beautiful smile, but not everyone has been blessed with perfect teeth.
TruSmile snap on teeth offer you an affordable solution for achieving a better smile using advanced technology that gives you a
BEAUTIFUL, NATURAL-LOOKING SMILE.You can have a perfect Smile with trusmile veneers.
You can have a perfect Smile with trusmile veneers.
Your TruSmile Veneers are removable veneers and fit comfortably over your existing teeth to hide imperfections. You can even have missing teeth and still wear TruSmile Veneers to improve your smile. We recommend you have at least 5 good teeth on top and 5 on the bottom. Whether your teeth are damaged from an accident, injury, or other life events, you can have a perfect smile with TruSmile Veneers.

There’s no need for expensive dental visits!
No needles. No pain. No drilling. No mess. No stress.
Just an easy, painless process that will get you the gorgeous superstar smile you should have had all along with TruSmile temporary veneers.
Don’t Wait Another Day! It’s easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

Order online and receive your FREE impression kit.

Make your teeth impressions and send them back.

TruSmile will make your snap on veneers and ship them to you.
We also offer a free video call with one of our specialists throughout the impression-making process.
Purchase TruSmile Veneers right now, and get your perfect smile today!
TruSmile Veneers will send an impression kit with all the information you need to make your unique dental impressions at home!
Simply take a clean impression of your existing teeth in the privacy and comfort of home. Then send the results to us. We’ll even pay for the shipping if you live in the U.S.!
TruSmile Veneers uses the latest 3-D technology to make your removable veneers. This advanced technology ensures you get a perfect custom fit for your snap on veneers every time.

Manufactured with great attention!
Your TruSmile Veneers are manufactured with great attention to detail using a German co-polyester made exclusively for TruSmile Veneers.
Custom-made amazing smile
We know how much you want your new, custom made, amazing smile, so we do our best to get it to you just as fast as we can.
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